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Melanie Kulkarni Ad Dip Nat

Registered Naturopath and Microbiome Analyst

Based in: UK

Availability: Melanie has closed her online practice. Please contact our Assistant Sara to transition your care to another member of our team.

Registration: Association of Naturopathic Practitioners (UK)

Melanie is a eurasian woman with grey hair and a red top smiling at the camera

Melanie has over ten years of experience partnering clients with a wide range of health concerns, including chronic fatigue, anxiety, stress and autoimmune conditions. Having achieved Advanced Diplomas in Naturopathy, Western Herbal Medicine and Nutrition, she works holistically, and strongly believes that good digestive health forms the foundation of physical, emotional and mental health. Inspired by nature she aims for a food first approach, utilizing herbs where necessary, and is motivated by the human body’s remarkable ability to heal given the right environment and care. 

She listens for what matters most to her clients, and advises and empowers them with information and therapeutic techniques to suit their individual needs and health goals. In response to the growing impact of confusing information in the media and her commitment to empower others, she has led workshops and online courses on natural health to the general public. 

In 2004, my own health concerns coupled with a growing interest in the field of natural medicine led me to leave behind a career in Architecture to study Naturopathy. This provided me with the tools for my own healing and a deeper understanding of what it takes to achieve and maintain good health through the use of natural remedies. 


Over the years, I have invested in continuing my professional development, with increasing focus on digestive healing and stress. This has led me to appreciate the role that these have on all aspects of health. I discovered the impact that a traumatic childhood incident had on my health and wellbeing and how the consequent anxiety and poor digestive health that became a normal part of my life eventually led to months of chronic fatigue and in time a diagnosis of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. 


My greatest healing experience resulted from rebalancing my gut microbiome using food and natural remedies and recognizing the positive impact of maintaining a healthy mindset. I draw on my experiences and my extensive professional training to empathize, guide, support and empower my clients on their individual health journeys. 


What underpins my practice is our relationship to nature and the nourishment it provides. I value our natural world and am fascinated by the interrelatedness between the plant kingdom, the soil microbiome and us and how it contributes to human health and wellbeing. 

Practitioner registered with the GNC
Member of the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners
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